Unity – cat naomi Thu, 29 Aug 2024 19:08:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8 The Blademistress Trials Thu, 01 Aug 2024 22:46:00 +0000

a sword and sorcery adventure game

made in Unity


The Blademistress Trials a video game currently in development by myself and my partner, Jack Becker. It’s a Legend of Zelda-like adventure game featuring sword-fighting and time travel.

Set in a world of floating islands, Mun, a young swordswoman meets an angel, Antiquity, and they depart on an adventure about time, immortality, apocalypse, and learning to let go.

Coming soon to itch.io and Steam.

LuminAI Fri, 03 May 2024 23:09:00 +0000

an interactive AI dance installation
made in Unity, using the Microsoft Kinect and Rokoko Smartsuit
at Expressive Machinery Lab @ Georgia Tech
2018 – present

LuminAI is an interactive art installation in which participants can engage in collaborative movement improvisation with an artificially intelligent virtual dance partner. The line between human and non-human is blurred, spurring participants to examine their relationship with AI-based technology and how it can be expressive, social, and playful.

The LuminAI installation ultimately examines how humans and machines can co-create experiences together as equals. By observing users and dancers with the Azure Kinect and Motion Capture, participants are able to creatively explore movement while having fun. LuminAI’s virtual agent analyzes participant movements through procedural representations of the Viewpoints & Laban movement theories (from theater and dance) and improvises responses from transformed memories of past interactions with people. In other words, the agent learns how to dance by dancing with us.

LuminAI was recently showcased at Kennesaw State University’s dance performance : “LuminAI” in May 2024.


2024. Chengzhi Zhang, Chelsi Cocking, Milka Trajkova, Zoe Mock, Gemma Tate, Cassandra Naomi Monden, and Brian Magerko. Fostering AI Literacy with LuminAI through Embodiment and Creativity in Informal Learning Spaces. In Creativity and Cognition (C&C 2024).

2023. Milka Trajkova, Manoj Deshpande, Andrea Knowlton, Cassandra Monden, Duri Long, and Brian Magerko. “AI Meets Holographic Pepper’s Ghost: A Co-Creative Public Dance Experience.” In Companion Publication of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS 2023)

2020. Duri Long, Lucas Liu, Swar Gujrania, Cassandra Naomi, and Brian Magerko. “Visualizing Improvisation in LuminAI, an AI Partner for Co-Creative Dance.” In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Conference on Movement and Computing (MOCO).

Ireti Wed, 01 Dec 2021 11:00:00 +0000

a VR Film
made in Unity
summer & fall 2021 – ongoing
VR Developer and Motion Capture Lead

Directed by Angelik Laboy, Ireti is a VR film about grief and societal expectations. We discover the events in the lives of characters Eliza and Damien, who’s relationship and friendship leads to a tragic end.

We see the mindscape of Eliza as she experiences these events. To do this, the scenes are captured in a variety of different mediums, including Photogrammetric environments, Volumetric recording, and 3D animations. All of this is captured and experienced in a VR space.

Silence in the Fog Wed, 01 Dec 2021 11:00:00 +0000

a horror game
made in Unity
fall 2021

Silence in the Fog is a short game made in Unity, where the player travels through an eerie forest. Played entirely in the first person, the player encounters and must hide from a mysterious monster shrouded in fog while attempting to reach a car to escape. Using atmospheric sounds, volumetric fog, and lightmapping, Silence constructs a dark environment and frightening visuals to convey the horror of being hunted.

Video Editing by Robert Marsel
Tree Hill Fri, 01 Oct 2021 23:43:00 +0000

a small game of bonds and exploration
made in Unity
fall 2021

Tree Hill is a single scene made in Unity, where you walk along a large sphere of a world. You encounter a ghost, made up of stars, and follow it to the other side of the world. Using realistic lighting and atmosphere, you see the sky turn from noon to dusk to night as you travel along to the other side of the sphere following this mysterious ghost.

It utilizes HDRP’s advanced lighting to create the gorgeous effects and light rays filtering through the trees, while using Visual Effects Graph to create the particles that make up the mysterious ghost.

TuneTable (Xylocode) Tue, 01 Jun 2021 00:00:03 +0000

made in Unity, using the Ideum Touch Table
summer 2021 – present

TuneTable is an interactive tangible tabletop experience in which users can collaboratively create sample-based music compositions using computer science coding concepts. The experience is designed to broaden perceptions of CS, encourage interest formation in CS, and facilitate learning of some introductory computing concepts. The TuneTable design team has explored a variety of different design iterations for the installation.

Xylocode is the most recent iteration of TuneTable. Due to COVID-19, the design team explored how to implement the project in an online web app that could eventually be converted to a tangible tabletop installation. You can play with Xylocode here.

Showcased at Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry, April 2022
