node.js – cat naomi Mon, 28 Feb 2022 19:37:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Auteur Thu, 01 Apr 2021 00:00:46 +0000

a visualization of Who Knows Who in Hollywood
made in d3 using javascript and node.js
spring 2021

This visualization, lovingly named Auteur, maps the relationships between actors and directors. Named after auteur theory, the theory that directors are the central creative force in the creation of film, directors and actors often have a few actors and cast members that they turn to to create their films. As such, Auteur looks to examine the primary question: “Who works with whom in
Hollywood?” It does so by creating a node graph between actors and directors, with the films/shows they’ve worked on serving as the links between them. Actors are shown in gray, directors in black, and individuals who are both actors and directors are shown in yellow.

Users can click nodes and and links to view the actors, directors, and movies associated with them. This shows the details of their selection in the window in the bottom left corner. This features a list
of movies that the actor or director has worked on or cast members in the movie selected. These are also links, so that you can trace a path through works to see connections. Also, as the connections in the film industry are tightly interwoven, Auteur also boasts a number of filters for
both ease and increased depth.
